


Synergy® water treatment system

Type of treated water Type I water
System power supply From pre-treated water
Type I water withdrawal rate Up to 1.5 l/min
Productivity Up to 20 l/day


Ultrapure water of type I of reproducible quality

The SynergyPak® cartridge combining basic cleaning technologies, a 185/254 nm UV lamp and a set of 0.22 micron finishing filters allow you to achieve excellent quality of purified water. When the Synergy® system is not in use, water automatically circulates through the internal circuit, maintaining water quality at a high level.


Optimal use of space

The small base area of the system makes it easy to install it almost anywhere in the laboratory: on a table, under a table or on a wall.


Ease of maintenance

The special design of the SynergyPak® cartridge allows replacement to be done quickly and easily. The cartridge has a special design and changes very simply, in just a few minutes. The synergy® system automatically notifies the user about the need to replace the cartridge.


Easy to install

Synergy® water treatment systems do not require special installation. The system is easy to install yourself: you just need to connect the system to the source of purified water and to the mains, as well as install a SynergyPak® cartridge.


Convenient monitoring of quality parameters

The system display instantly displays the parameters of the system and allows you to monitor the quality of treated water online.

Якість очищеної води
Тип живлення
Швидкість відбору води І типу
Валідаційний протокол від виробника
Віддалена точка відбору води
Управління системою

Additional information

Specifications of treated water with the Synergy® system

Specifications for ultrapure water type I

Resistivity at 25 °C 18.2 МОм·cm
Electrical conductivity at 25 °C 0.055 μS/cm
CBT (with UV lamp/without UV lamp) ≤5 ppb/≤10 ppb
Particles, size > 0.22 microns <1 part/ml
Bacteria <0.1 CFU/ml
Pyrogens (endotoxins) <0.001 OE/ml
RNases <0.01 ng/ml
DNAase <4 pg/ml
Water withdrawal rate 1.5 l/min


Technical specifications of the Synergy® water treatment system
Dimensions (HxWxD) 54 x 29 x 38 cm
Net weight (Synergy® system without UV lamp 185/254 nm) 6.7 kg
Net weight (Synergy® system with UV lamp 185/254 nm) 7.2 kg
Working weight (Synergy® system without UV lamp 185/254 nm) 9.7 kg
Operating weight (Synergy® system with UV lamp 185/254 nm) 10.2 kg
Net Weight (Remote Point of Sampling) 2.15 kg
Weight in working condition (Remote point of sampling) 2.68 kg
Electrical voltage 100 – 250 V +/- 10%
Power frequency 50 – 60 Hz +/- 10%
Connection type at the login ½” Gaz M
Incoming water pressure <0.3 bar


Consumables for the Synergy® system
Water purification cartridge SynergyPak® 1 SYPK0SIA1

Finish filters

Biopak® finishing filter CDUFBI001
Finishing filter EDS-Pak® EDSPAK001
Finishing filter LC-Pak® LCPAK0001
Finishing filter VOC-Pak® V0CPAK001
Finish filter Millipak® Express 20 MPGP02001
Type of treated water Type I water
System power supply From pre-treated water
Type I water withdrawal rate Up to 1.5 l/min
Productivity Up to 20 l/day


Ultrapure water of type I of reproducible quality

The SynergyPak® cartridge combining basic cleaning technologies, a 185/254 nm UV lamp and a set of 0.22 micron finishing filters allow you to achieve excellent quality of purified water. When the Synergy® system is not in use, water automatically circulates through the internal circuit, maintaining water quality at a high level.


Optimal use of space

The small base area of the system makes it easy to install it almost anywhere in the laboratory: on a table, under a table or on a wall.


Ease of maintenance

The special design of the SynergyPak® cartridge allows replacement to be done quickly and easily. The cartridge has a special design and changes very simply, in just a few minutes. The synergy® system automatically notifies the user about the need to replace the cartridge.


Easy to install

Synergy® water treatment systems do not require special installation. The system is easy to install yourself: you just need to connect the system to the source of purified water and to the mains, as well as install a SynergyPak® cartridge.


Convenient monitoring of quality parameters

The system display instantly displays the parameters of the system and allows you to monitor the quality of treated water online.

Якість очищеної води
Тип живлення
Швидкість відбору води І типу
Валідаційний протокол від виробника
Віддалена точка відбору води
Управління системою

Additional information

Specifications of treated water with the Synergy® system

Specifications for ultrapure water type I

Resistivity at 25 °C 18.2 МОм·cm
Electrical conductivity at 25 °C 0.055 μS/cm
CBT (with UV lamp/without UV lamp) ≤5 ppb/≤10 ppb
Particles, size > 0.22 microns <1 part/ml
Bacteria <0.1 CFU/ml
Pyrogens (endotoxins) <0.001 OE/ml
RNases <0.01 ng/ml
DNAase <4 pg/ml
Water withdrawal rate 1.5 l/min


Technical specifications of the Synergy® water treatment system
Dimensions (HxWxD) 54 x 29 x 38 cm
Net weight (Synergy® system without UV lamp 185/254 nm) 6.7 kg
Net weight (Synergy® system with UV lamp 185/254 nm) 7.2 kg
Working weight (Synergy® system without UV lamp 185/254 nm) 9.7 kg
Operating weight (Synergy® system with UV lamp 185/254 nm) 10.2 kg
Net Weight (Remote Point of Sampling) 2.15 kg
Weight in working condition (Remote point of sampling) 2.68 kg
Electrical voltage 100 – 250 V +/- 10%
Power frequency 50 – 60 Hz +/- 10%
Connection type at the login ½” Gaz M
Incoming water pressure <0.3 bar


Consumables for the Synergy® system
Water purification cartridge SynergyPak® 1 SYPK0SIA1

Finish filters

Biopak® finishing filter CDUFBI001
Finishing filter EDS-Pak® EDSPAK001
Finishing filter LC-Pak® LCPAK0001
Finishing filter VOC-Pak® V0CPAK001
Finish filter Millipak® Express 20 MPGP02001

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